logoShiva VPN

Our Mission is to Restore Your Right to a Free and Secure Internet

Every individual has the right to privacy, including online. Your online experience is your private affair: what you search for, browse, or download should remain confidential. However, in the modern world, every website collects user information, and the state not only demands personal data but also actively blocks access to resources it deems undesirable

The internet, once a symbol of freedom and openness, is increasingly becoming a tool of control for governments and large corporations. We firmly oppose all forms of blocking, censorship, and surveillance. And we do everything to ensure you have free and secure access to the internet, where you can search, view, and download what you need. Without fear for the confidentiality of your data and without restrictions from external forces.

Like the Indian deity Shiva, we break down blocks and encrypt your digital trail in the name of security and online freedom

What is VPN?

It's software that encrypts your online activities and creates an additional layer of protection when transmitting any data.

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