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XRAY Enhances Protection Against Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks and Active Analysis

  • XRAY is capable of defending not only against DPI traffic analysis but also against MITM attacks and other active attempts to interfere with your connection.

  • What is Active Analysis?

  • Active analysis is a technique in which an attacker intentionally tries to infiltrate your connection to: 1. Identify the protocol being used. 2. Trigger specific behaviors to expose the structure of the connection. 3. Disrupt or intercept data transmission.

  • How XTLS Reality mitigates MITM attacks:

  • XTLS makes many Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks ineffective by leveraging the following mechanisms: 1. Handshake masking XTLS fully mimics a standard TLS handshake. When an active observer sends a provocation request, they receive a response that appears to come from a regular web server, making the traffic indistinguishable from legitimate HTTPS. 2. Protocol signature concealment The protocol eliminates all identifiable markers that could reveal its presence. Headers and other metadata are fully encrypted to conform to web traffic standards. This ensures the traffic cannot be analyzed, even during active interference attempts. 3. Sending false data In certain cases of active analysis, the system responds with data that resembles standard HTTPS errors or other typical responses from a web service, confusing the attacker. 4. Connection termination for suspicious requests When anomalous activity is detected, the system automatically terminates the connection to prevent further probing or exploitation. 5. Encryption of all traffic Any attempts to modify the data result in corrupted packet structures, causing the connection to terminate immediately. Additionally, intercepted packets cannot be decrypted as they contain “encrypted garbage.” XTLS Reality provides additional protection against connection attacks and ensures unmatched security compared to other VPN protocols. It effectively counters MITM attacks and active analysis, making it a superior choice for those seeking secure and private online communication.

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Alina Belyakova

Alina is writing for marketing and IT 9 years and joined the Shiva VPN to talk about complex things in a simple words and advance the right of online privacy and freedom.